Host your own onion website 🧅

November 22, 2021

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Creating an onion website is private, free, and can be deployed easier than a traditional domain. Follow the steps below and eliminate the need to purchase a domain and add-ons (like domain privacy), configure your web hosting, or provide personal and financial data to yet another vulnerable company.

Step 1: Setup Raspberry Pi

First, you should have an operational Raspberry Pi running a Debian-based OS. I used Raspbian via the Raspberry Pi Imager.

Step 2: Install NGINX

Install NGINX using this guide.

Step 3: Install Tor

sudo apt install -y tor

Step 4: Create an Onion Service

Go to your torrc file:

sudo nano /etc/tor/torrc

Create an onion service by uncommenting these lines:

HiddenServiceDir /var/lib/tor/hidden_service/
HiddenServicePort 80

Step 5: Restart Tor

sudo systemctl restart tor

Step 6: Find Your Onion Address

sudo nano /var/lib/tor/hidden_service/hostname

Step 7: Visit your website!

Enter your onion address in Tor Browser.

Next Steps

🎉 Congratulations, you created an onion website! If you want to go further, check out the additional resources below:

✅ Install Raspian

✅ Install NGINX

✅ Install & Configure Tor

⬜️ Enable two-factor authentication for SSH logins to your Pi

⬜️ Read: Best practices for hosting onion services from RiseUp

⬜️ Read: Setting up an onion service by The Tor Project

⬜️ Read: Take These Steps to Secure Your Raspberry Pi Against Attackers by Make Magazine